Forbes user Leak
Screenshot from the text file leaked by SEA

Yesterday’s news was not good for Forbes and they were relaxed after SEA said, “We didn’t hack to harm them,” but now just few hours before they tweeted, that they have Forbes’ 1 Million users data which includes email addresses and their login information, SEA have leaked that online.

Yesterday, Initially they tweeted to sale Forbes’ user data but later they tweeted to provide that free, Don’t know what’s on their mind?

Forbes has already confirmed the hack and wrote in a statement on facebook :

“Users’ email addresses may have been exposed. The passwords were encrypted, but as a precaution, we strongly encourage Forbes readers and contributors to change their passwords on our system, and encourage them to change them on other websites if they use the same password elsewhere.”

“We have notified law enforcement. We take this matter very seriously and apologize to the members of our community for this breach.”

They uploaded the ZIP file of the database here>> | which is of 63.33MB and anyone can download that on one click.

The server where they have uploaded the leak is situated in United Kingdom.

Now Forbes users must change their password, and if you can so please your email also because now, after the leak Cyber-criminals must sending you spam emails to attacking you.

UPDATE: Upon checking the forbes Login page, we found that it is their complete blog has been taken down by the officials, we checked the site and found that down, check yourself HERE.



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