Creating a mysql user is a very common task and a very important one.
Many developers after creating a user grant them all permissions over a mysql schema and this can be a big security flaw.
When you are creating a user you must think of all permissions that user will need and grant them the correct permissions.
But let’s start creating our user:
create user hacker@'%' identified by 'Gr34tPa$$w0rd' ;
With this command we have created a user with the username ‘hacker’ and a password ‘Gr34tPa$$w0rd’
Let’s analyse each part of the command.
create user 'hacker'@'%'
Here we can choose the username that we want and after the @ sign we can choose his location. We have used the ‘%’ because we want that hack can connect this Mysql Instance from all over the world. Now if we want the user to only connect from local computer we should use:
create user 'hacker'@''
Or Only from a specific IP Address:
create user 'hacker'@''
The rest of the command is pretty easy to understand, we simple provide the password we want to assign.