Again the world most affective Hacktivists group Anonymous comes in front to disclose the truth online. This all started when a Police Officer at shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, after that the Hacktivists group threatened to publish the officer’s photo, followed by his address and “full documents”.
After none of the person replied or reacted on the Anonymous talk, finally hackers released Thursday morning the alleged name of the police officer, who killed Michael Brown in Ferguson.
Ferguson is a city in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States. The population was 21,203 at the 2010 census. The city is home to the headquarters of Emerson Electric.
“@stlcountypd by you staying silent, you confirm our name,” tweeted Anonymous. “We’re waiting for a response.”
The group also claimed to have a video of Brown’s body being “shoved” into the back of a police department vehicle, pointing out that “no EMS was on the scene at all as we first thought.”
After the news, we wanted to talk to the Anonymous Hacker who released the name, but unfortunately, when I reached here, I found that Twitter suspended the account, after the news came out about the leak of name of that Police Officer. Many sites reported that around noon, Twitter suspended the account.
To make the claim more stronger, Anonymous released the St. Louis Police dispatch tapes from the day Brown was killed:
From the Audio:
9:35: “Ferguson is asking for assistance with crowd control . . .”
10:58: “Now they have a large group gathering there, she doesn’t know any further. . .”
11:20: “We just got another call stating it was an officer-involved shooting . . .”
11:30: “Be advised, this information came from the news . . .”
11:55: “We’re just getting information from the news and we just called Ferguson back again and they don’t know anything about it . . .”
20:00: “. . .destruction of property . . .”
21:55: “They are requesting more cars. Do you want me to send more of your cars?”
43:55: “Attention all cars, be advised that in reference to the call 2947 Canfield Drive, we are switching over to the riot channel at this time . . .”
In demand and to install a special operation against the Brutal Police Officer, a twitter account has been specially made for this with the twitter handle @OpFerguson (#OpFerguson).
If you have any other information regards this, please inform us here or comment below, we would like to update that too.