Hacking Official twitter account is now a trend to express anger via false tweets on the name of the genuine one, but the thing is Twitter security is Poor? Or Account holders are careless about account security or privacy?
Latest victim of the twitter hack is Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s, whose twitter account was hacked early on Thursday morning.
The amazing thing is, it’s not SEA (Syrian Electronic Army,) the group which always hack a twitter account with a message left along via tweet— Hacked by SEA!
It is still unclear who hacked this account and we call it a Anonymous Twitter Hack :)
One of the tweet from the Prime Minister’s official twitter account @MedvedevRussia:
“Resign. Ashamed of the actions of the government. I’m sorry.” (VIA: Google Translate)
This is not the single tweet made by the Anonymous hacker, along with this more tweets were posted to express anger:
Maybe better to ban electricity? Promise in the near future the government and think about it. But without me,” another tweet read (VIA: Google Translate).
“I have long wanted to say. Vova! You are wrong!” read another. And later: “Russian citizens should not suffer because of problems in the perception of common sense from the top leadership of the country.”
In the meantime, Affected twitter account seems to be recovered and working fine, but there was not any tweet posted from the last one day.