Today, i got a mail from an Anonymous person or a Hacker group, the mail was sent to notifying me about a tool that they developed which can easily delete any profile on Facebook, in other words, you can say ‘It is a Facebook Hack 2014’ :)
This can be a Joke from Mailer, but i don’t think because the mail was written so professionally and neatly, which indicates that this is not a spam.
Let’s read what they have?
We have identified a vulnerability that allows an unauthorized user to delete facebook profiles..
for this purpose has been created the exploit… The exploit is writing in python…All the procedure does not last more than 20 seconds…
Required to have installed Selenium/Webdriver, and be connected to your profile, using firefox or chrome…
So, Hackers also claiming to hack or delete a Facebook in less than 20 seconds, means one who buy this exploit can delete anyone’s Facebook account in seconds, whoo that’s really Savory :)
The Mailer is selling the above exploit for 5 Bitcoins. Email id and the where to send the Bitcoins were also given in the mail.
Also the Last Line which was written by the Mailer: Use the Exploit at your own Risk.
If you too got a mail similar to this, so ping us through commenting below orĀ contacting us, because if it is something like a spam, so we want to protect you guys.