Senator Sam Dastyari found himself amidst trouble when his Twitter account got hacked. Following Sam Dastyari Twitter hacking, he has blamed a hacker for an unusual like on his Twitter profile found early today. This like was on a Chinese propaganda post.
This incident occurred following Friday’s authorization of gay marriage. At about 2 AM, the alleged Dastyari Twitter hacking took place in which the authority’s Twitter profile “liked” a tweet containing Chinese promulgation. The tweet contained the words “The South China Sea Is Rightfully Ours”.
Twitter followers of the senator noticed the unusual and awkward behaviour which had all the earmarks of being out of keeping with Mr Dastyari’s typical online networking mood which for the most part observes him utilizing the capacity to discuss social issues and other millennial web-based social networking fixations.
While Twitter uses messed around with the tweet for a couple of hours, the Senator moved to close down the debate at 5am when he said he woke to the news. The planning and timing of this hacker breaking onto his Twitter account to like a particular tweet comes at a terrible time for the Senator. This is because he is already under spotlight for questionable dealings between Dasher and Chinese.