EGYPT: The Ministry of Interior official twitter account (moiegy) was hacked by hackers on Friday afternoon
The First tweet tweeted by hacker from the hacked account reads:
“I am citizen Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed, [I] announce my dissent for my people and brothers.”
MOI Facebook’s official page announced about this hack and they informed for about their new twitter account (@moiegy3062013) until their original one recovers.
They have 209,851 followers on their official twitter account which was hacked and the hacked account mourned the peaceful pro-Mohamed Morsi protesters and described Minister of Interior Mohamed Ibrahim and Minister of Defence Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi as traitors.
The tweets asked all soldiers not to open fire on demonstrators, asked citizens to ignore curfew and published phone numbers of celebrities supporting the “military coup”, like businessman Naguib Sawiris and renowned actor Adel Emam.
From the last three hours, hacker didn’t tweeted and the main stuff is this that the website of Ministry of Interior is also down but any hacker doesn’t take responsibility of that, it can be a technical issue but it doesn’t not seems like that.
Here is the screenshot we checked about the availability of the website: