Latest News coming from a Mail which was personally sent to us by a  Pro-Israeli hacker Yourikan (you-r!-k@n)  who hacked the  the largest media organizations in Asia and Pacific region (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) website (

Hacker sent a Message:

I managed to penetrate into management server
Irib = Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting

Hacker also claimed to hack all the username and passwords from Irib radio  monitor, which have been posted by hacker on pastebin and even Admin account was hacked, hacker changed the admin account password to 123.

Screenshot of the webpage defaced by the hacker:

Hacker also stated that why he hacked the website:

  • I hacked the  Iranian sites in order to tell a message to the world and to the citizens of iran… israel will not tolerate terror, israel will not accept nuclear iran.
  • Iran is developing nuclear boom , to destroy Israel

Screenshots provided by Hacker as POC:

Hacker explored the sensitive are
Hacker logged in as Administrator

In 2012 Yourikan hacked 91 Iranian websites and at the time we are reporting the news website still defaced.



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