Home Depot was the target of the hackers in September, When more than 50 Million credit and other cards data are exposed to hackers and that is a big number which seems to uncontrollable like to search for a tiny pin in a house.

Now Again, Home Depot confirmed a Bad News for its customers, as it was hacked again in April and September this year, in which hackers managed to compromise the email addresses of the customers, and now Email Spam campaigns on the rise for the Home Depot customers.

At least 53 million customers’ email addresses have been stolen by hackers from Home Depot, several reports said.

“Criminals used a third-party vendor’s user name and password to enter the perimeter of Home Depot’s network. These stolen credentials alone did not provide direct access to the company’s point-of-sale devices,” Officials from the Home Depot said in a statement issued November 6.

“The hackers then acquired elevated rights that allowed them to navigate portions of Home Depot’s network and to deploy unique, custom-built malware on its self-checkout systems in the U.S. and Canada,” it added.

The company also notified its customers that the hacked database didn’t contain the passwords or any kind of the payment related information, so customers don’t need to worry about the financial hack.

Home Depot has already notified its affected customers in United States and Canada, BUT the company also notifying the users about any of the future email spam campaign, which could lead them to the lost of personal information and more.

Security researchers said that this is a hacking incident in the history which is “One of the largest” and greater than the ‘Target” one.

Company said to the BBC News that this hack could cost them roughly $62 million.

By the end of this year, the company was all set to activate the microchip technology at all its US stores as it was already a victim of the hack in September.

In the meantime, it is collaborating with law enforcement to improve its security in order to avoid any future intrusions.



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