Another web-based community has had its data breached. This time, the victim is a popular video sharing site based in the USA. Dailymotion was hacked and had over 80 million of its users’ details stolen, along with encrypted passwords.

The breach was announced by LeakedSource a service specifically designed to notify the world of hacking incidents on Monday.

In a statement, LeakedSource said the leaked data seems to have been obtained on the 20th of October, 2016. This means the user details were being circulated by the hackers for four weeks. Within the stolen data are 85 million different email addresses and usernames. 20 percent of those have passwords with them. Fortunately, the passwords were presented with Bcrypt, a hashing algorithm that makes password cracking using ten rounds of rekeying.

User Credentials

With Bcrypt, the hashing process is so slow that it would require centuries to perform a brute force password crack. Although it has been confirmed that the data did indeed come from Dailymotion, the majority owner of the site, Vivendi, has not responded to comments on the incident.

Should you happen to be among the 18 million Dailymotion users whose passwords were stolen, it is advised that you change the password on the site and any others where you have used the same password.

If you are one of the 18 million DailyMotion users who had their hashed password leaked, you are advised to change your password on the entertainment website as well as others where you have reused your password.

users DAilymotion hacked

LeakedSource has complied a list of affected email addresses so you can check if yours is among them.

LeakedSource has added the DailyMotion stolen data to its search index, so you can check if your account has been affected.

You should also use a reliable password manage to allow you to use complex passwords without losing them.

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