SEO Optimization website was suffered from a Vulnerability which exposed some of their member’s password in public.

According to the Mail sent to all the members regarding a password reset confirmation, they said that they discovered that Vulnerability on 31st May 2013 and they are requesting users to change the passwords as a precautionary measure.

But it is confirmed that something bad happened to MOZ member’s info.

The message sent by MOZ for password reset reads:

On Friday, May 31st, we discovered that an encrypted portion of some of our member passwords may have been made public for a brief period of time. Within minutes we were able to remove the potential vulnerability. Fortunately, Moz uses a two-part hashing scheme for our passwords, so there is little risk of an account being compromised.

As a precautionary measure, we are implementing a password reset. Please log in to your account at where you will be prompted to start the password reset process.

We also request users to change their password through the above link given by MOZ until it’s too late.

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