A New Zero-Day exploit has been discovered in Internet Explorer and it will load a malicious application on your system and you will be affected easily it is running under Fully Patched XP SP3 along with the latest edition of IE 7 and IE 8 browsers.

Eric Romang was examining one of the servers used to launch attacks on vulnerable Java installations in past , and then he said that he has found a new Zero-Day exploit in Internet Explorer and he  also says that “I can confirm, the zero-day season is really not over yet. Less than three weeks after the discovery of the Java SE 7 0day, aka CVE-2012-4681, potentially used by the Nitro gang in targeted attacks, a potential Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and 8 zero-day is actually exploited in the wild.”

Alien Vault lab also described that how it works and here is an example :-

– The file exploit.html creates the initial vector to exploit the vulnerability and loads the flash file Moh2010.swf.

– Moh2010.swf is a flash file encrypted using DoSWF.  We’ve seen the usage of DoSWF in the exploit code of other targeted attacks such as:

The Flash file is in charge of doing the heap spray. Then it loads Protect.html

Metasploit has also been released.



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