Hackers have now turned towards hacking school websites to target the younger generation. Such an attempt was seen in the recent Bloomfield school’s website hacking. The Bloomfield school’s website hacking took place on Monday at 4AM EST.

This hacking involved posting of an ISIS sponsored YouTube video for about two hours. According to the administrating company of the Bloomfield school’s website known as SchoolDesk, more than 800 school and district sites were hacked. The sites were displaying an Arabic messaged and a picture of Saddam Hussein.

Bloomfield school website hackedFollowing this incident, the FBI and other security agencies have started investigation into this incident.

However, luckily no students or staff data was compromised during the Bloomfield school’s website hacking. SchoolDesk issued a statement following this hacking attempt:

“Our technical staff discovered that a small file has been injected into the root of one of the SchoolDesk websites, redirecting approximately 800 school and district websites to iFramed YouTube page containing an audible Arabic message, unknown writing, and a picture of Saddam Hussein. SchoolDesk is actively working with various local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, on tracking the source of these website intrusions”

Bloomfield school’s website hacked

SchoolDesk asked all its users on various websites to reset their passwords and the development team added further security to their developed websites. SchoolDesk has stated that they are working with security agencies to go to the root causes of this incident and has promised that SchoolDesk team will be more vigilant in the future.

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