“Orange is the new black” is one of the most famous TV series that air on Netflix. In a recent case of unreleased TV show threatened by The Dark Overload hacking company, Netflix has been warned about fulfilling the ransom demands of these hackers or consequences would have to be faced.
They have threatened the company with releasing the unreleased episodes of their show’s season 5 even before it premieres.
TDO (The Dark Overlord) started their attack on Netflix by publicly posting online links to the first 10 episodes of the show through a piracy website. Users could even view the episodes from a pirated source. This came as a huge shock to the company and Larson Studios, who have produced the show.
These measures were taken by TDO after the show owners failed to fulfill their ransom demands. The show has a total of 13 episodes according to the official Netflix website. However, according to TDO, only 10 episodes were available at the time the server was intruded. Season 5 is supposed to be airing on June 9th for the first time.
The hacking process was executed this Saturday, when TDO used multiple social media sources to spread the word about leaking of the first episode. Ep1 of Orange is the New Black had been shared to multiple Torrent sites, the group’s GitHub profile and Pastebin too.
In the past couple of days, the other two sources have been taken down but the Pirate Bay file still exists and users have been sharing the media and talking about it.
After that, TDO shared a new link on Pastebin which contained another torrent file, this time having a total of 9 episodes from Episode 2 to Episode 10. Upon inquiry, the hackers told that this was done because Netflix failed to pay the ransom for their data’s protections.
A part of TDO’s official statement on pastebin says this:
“It didn’t have to be this way, Netflix. You’re going to lose a lot more money in all of this than what our modest offer was. We’re quite ashamed to breathe the same air as you. “