One of the famously known Stolen Web products vendor that commonly goes by the name “DoubleFlag” has been reported of currently selling databases containing info on Bitcoin from 11 different platforms. All these databases have been acquired between the past 7 years. There’s all kinds of info in them from mining to buying and selling of bitcoin.

If you calculate the overall combined amount of data which has been breached on all these platforms, you’ll observe it to be a whopping 1.2 billion. Accounts from were around 536,727. This forum was reported to be broken in a couple of months ago in this year whereas data from was stolen a couple of years ago, back in May 2015. Other platforms have also been breached from time to time.

accounts hacked bitcoin dark Web

Some other famous forums that were infected by intruders and became victims of the accounts hacked activity are, it was hacked back in 2014 alongside and that were also breached during the same time span back in 2014.

accounts hackedAll the user accounts on these different platforms contain a specific list of credentials and information attached to them. The info contains a username, an email id related to it, a phone number, gender of the user and his/her date of birth alongside their password. A few cases have highly encrypted passwords while on other occasions, it isn’t a very big deal for hackers to break into it.

The commonly used SHA-1 hash method of encryption has been made easy to decrypt with time.
All of this precious bitcoin information has been put on sale for a price of $400. Some of these forums have already been reported to be hacked of their data. The data is publically being sold in the dark web market for more than a year now.

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