In an incident that has left many wondering, Russia has placed under arrest Ruslan Stoyanov, who is the top official of the incident investigation unit at Kaspersky, the mega cybersecurity company. The officials have charged Russlan with treason.

It appears as though Stoyanov was placed under arrest with Sergei Mikhailov, the deputy head of the information security wing of the FSB last December. The details surrounding the arrest are obscure since the Russian officials have refused to give any details about the case. As a matter of fact, as has been said by Forbes, all judicial proceeding about the case will be carried out under the criminal code of Russian article 275, which will render the case a ‘secret military proceeding.”

Russia Arrests Top Kaspersky Hacking Investigator for Treason Charges

Making a statement to CNBC, the spokesperson for Kaspersky, Maria Shirokova stated:

There is no connection between this case and Kaspersky Lab, Ruslan Stoyanov is undergoing some investigation relating to a time prior to his being employed at Kaspersky Lab.

As stated on Stoyanov’s LinkedIn account, he once was an employee of the Russian Interior Cyber Crime Unit.

Russia Arrests Top Kaspersky Hacking

Kaspersky makes consumer grade anti viruses as well as other security software. They however carry out studies on developed malware and hacking techniques. The headquarters of the firm are in Moscow although they still have ofice all over the world. It is for now not possible to ell what Russia’s justification for slapping Stoyanov with charges of treason. The just ended cyber battle between Russian and the United States is a possible cause.

Most of the circumstances surrounding the case have not been made public, and there is no sign that they will be soon.

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