These are difficult to solve because they tend to throw up a general message.
If you have been receiving Windows Update Error 80072ee2, the cause might be that the Windows Update servers might be experiencing an unusually high number of requests for updates.
You can close Windows Update, wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then run it again. With luck, windows update 80072ee2 would not be shown anymore.
The Windows Update Troubleshooter is available that fixes some problems with Windows Update, and it might resolve this error for you.
You can try troubleshooting the problem on your own by following one or more of these steps:
- If you are using a proxy server, ensure that you do not require a username and password to connect. If you do, please ensure that you disable the proxy server for the entire duration update.Alternatively, you can also set your firewall to allow it to connect to the Windows Update directly without going through the proxy.
- If your computer has a history of being infested with spyware – or you suspect that it has beenat the moment – then the spyware might have modified your Internet Explorer settings in order to use a proxy server. For that, you have to open the cmd.exe program (by typing CMD in the start menu) and issue the following command: netshwinhttp import proxy source=ie .
- Windows update error code 80072ee2 might also be shown when some dll files of your system become unregistered. This can happen for a number of reasonsand can trigger the windows update error 80072ee2. To nullify this, open cmd.exe, and register the following dlls: oleaut32.dll, jscript.dll, vbscript.dll, msxml.dll, softpub.dll, wintrust.dll, initpki.dll, cryptdlg.dll. You can register a dll by typing regsvr32 {name of the dll}.
- A rare cause of the windows update error is accidental change of your computer’s MTU setting. If this is the case, all you have to do is to set the MTU value to 1492 and try the windows update again.
- Last but not the least, for setting the windows updates to receive them via WSUS, please heck .