Nearly 250,000 apple accounts have been stolen by hackers which are valid and used for many apple users across world.
This hack took place with the help of a malware named as KeyRaider. This malware works mostly on jail broken devices which are compromised on security. This news has brought a wave of fear and insecurity among iPhone users who got their phones jail break. This kind of hacking so many valid apple accounts in a single go is one of its own kinds.
IPhone users had complained about IOS tweaks which after examination provided information about a server storing numerous apple accounts and passwords. This harmful malware spreads through an app’s repositories known as Cydia as this app is mainly used for handling jail broken phones in terms of downloading applications for same.
According to the statistics by Palo Alto network, this app has infected iPhones in 18 different countries like France, Russia, USA, China, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, Israel, Italy, Spain, Singapore, and South Korea. The entire process works on the attaching system process through a mobile substrate to dig out username, passwords for account, GUID by considering ITunes Traffic on the device.
The sources from Palo Alto revealed that KeyRaider steals the crucial information like App store purchasing information, push notifications service and private keys. This app also takes the control of unlocking functionalities both local and remote for iPhone and iPad.
This issue got into attention when people reported of app store behaving unusually with many unauthorized purchases. A student studying in china reported of a tweak when he was doing some uploading of data to an unknown database. The data got uploaded to Command and control server which later exposed all the information because of the present flaws.
Later a malware got identified in this app. This KeyRaider IOS malware can make a lot of money by buying apps and remotely locking other IOS devices but this can only bound to happen in jailbreak devices so if your phone is not jail broken then you are very safe. This may open doors for new apps and more icons but also brings the unwanted guest like Malware.