A 34 year old lady was shocked to see an indecent phot flashing at her mobile screen. The entire incident is under investigation. According to the sources , Ms Crighton- received two pictures of a man’s private parts on her mobile device through Apple’s Air drop sharing feature, The moment she received this picture she was furious and reported to British Transport Police.
British police has reported that this is new to them and if any similar case happens to anyone then they should immediately report to police in an interview to Supt Gill Murray. Ms Crighton told BBC that this incident happened as her Air drop was switched on, she was using it few minutes ago with some other iPhone user.
IPhone has Air drop feature that enables you to share photos, videos, websites, locations, and more with people nearby with an Apple device. I tried to decline this picture but soon received the other one as someone is imposing it on my mobile device screen and the sender knew that the picture has been sent to women as her name was Lorraine in the Air Drop account.
The motive behind this is either hacking mobile phones or receiving any kind of gratification. The situation will be difficult when such indecent message will be send to a child. To aware people about the same issue British Police has already started a campaign to report of annoying sexual behavior.
British Telecom has put an entire team to investigate the entire case , the cybercrime unit known for keeping track for mobile phones and data transfer will see the minutest detail of the case. Air drop technology uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to use this technology but can only be used for a small distance or short range.
How can one individual safeguard from cyber flash on their mobile phone, first you need to change settings to everyone if you want to share your personal information to your contacts then this will suit you.
This will enable people to discover you and send anything they want, the minimum requirement is they should be in their Wi-Fi reach as told by cybersecurity consultant at Pentest Partners Ken Munro.
Apple can deal with this problem by adding a counter watch with Air drop that let it restore to its default settings after a period of time that ensures safety as user might forget to get this Air Drop mode to personal.
See Ms Crighton-Smith explains how she was cyber-flashed here.