Norwich player John Ruddy’s twitter account got hacked yesterday, His tweet regarding an accident at Alton Towers displayed on his timeline which notified him to his account being hacked. Following day, John Ruddy deleted his account on twitter which said “At least four people were seriously injured when a packed rollercoaster – dubbed the Smiler – slammed into a test carriage.”
“Buzzing for @altontowers next weekend… at least I won’t need a fast pass for smiler” was posted on John Ruddy’s twitter account to cover up his statement.
John Ruddy tweeted about his hacked account and on that fake tweet “I am not that type of person to sends tweets like that out”
Piers Morgan called John Ruddy as an insensitive idiot for posting such tweets but later the tweet got deleted. Later Johny Ruddy talked to tweeter team about his hacked account.
John wrote on his account “Apologies for that tweet that appeared on my feed, it would seem that once again someone has managed to get into my account”.
John also told about his past accounts who got hacked and due to which he switched to different account. He emphasized on his love for family as he is also a parent and knows how they have felt. In the end he explained he is not insensitive.
He wrote:
Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan slammed the tweet
“I can assure people I am not the type of person to send tweets like that out.
“This is not the first time my account has been hacked. I changed accounts because of the last time.
John Ruddy
John Ruddy says his Twitter account was hacked
“As a parent myself I can only imagine what people have gone through today and my heart goes out to them.
“Anyone who knows me knows I would not be that insensitive.”