A white hacker named as Chris Roberts got onto a flight from Chicago to Philadelphia and hijacked plane auto controls.

He got into auto control of airplane by hacking plane’s entertainment system. He increased the thrust of the right engine in the plane due to which the plane aligned towards left for few minutes. The variance remained un-noticed by flight attendants and pilots.

People got to know about this incident when Chris Roberts made a tweet regarding his hijack and gaining control over airplane system.

The government took this incidence as an attempt to hijack and threating common people and spreading terrorism.

Whereas Chris Roberts told that this hijack was performed to notify such flaws in airline systems. This hijack has opened many eyes and spread awareness about Millions of dollars and 14 years of experience of airline industry which are at stake.

FBI is looking for Chris and he has gone in dark for his safety till he makes this clear that this act was just to spread awareness not about harming people.

Chris Roberts is a white hat hacker of highest order. It is very dangerous when technology comes into play. Anyone can hack the entire system and can bring down planes.

This is a double edge sword where people and government both are at peril.





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