Message to America , a video is posted online by a group of extremists. The video displayed a hooded figure revealing that he has control over US targets like Australian airport.

Members of this extremist group supposed to be Islamist group have threatened more attacks against US and Europe.

Social media reports were announced earlier revealing message to America coming next to the following day.

The extremist group proclaimed deadline for the video message to be displayed at 2pm EST.

The video also claimed group hacked into websites of the American leadership . Video doesn’t cite politician or any influential personalities to be connected with this video.

The video begins starts by showing instances of hacks done by  popular Cyber Caliphate on US authorities . The description also includes January’s takeover of Central Commands’s Twitter account. The Twitter account displayed I love you ISIS banner.

The group called Islamic State’s Defenders announced the message on Monday.

The video addressed to servants of the cross. In this there was nodded figure who spoke Arabic and disclosed everything.

More to their cyber attack , they has told that it just the beginning of cyber war. The video was 3:36 minutes long. They have claimed they have attacked various websites including Australian airport website.

Video has not disclosed any evidence of belonging to any group or any radical movement related to places like Syria and Iraq.

The Arabic Holden figure told everyone about the information security and how they eye on each and every movement from our devices.

Isis attack america



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