Who is anonymous?

Anonymous is a hacking militant who have hacked a couple of Israel websites in past to needle terror among people.  Anonymous is now planning an electronic holocaust on 7th April in which they will hack several websites to bring Israel down. It’s their fourth threat to Israel in which they are planning a cyber-attack to several systems which can lead to denial of service and system crashes.

Anonymous is dangerous as in past they took Yad Vashem website down with Prime Minister Blog and IDF blog.

Anonymous launched its first attack against Israel on November 2012.They targeted  Around 700 Israeli websites to name few is high-profile government setups such as the Foreign Ministry and the Israeli President’s official website. Anonymous want to make it attacks more powerful by seeking such confidential and secure websites. Once they attacked the websites they posted the data of 5000 officials online to confirm their threat in mind of people.

Anonymous has posted a video on web declaring an electronic holocaust on Tuesday. This group has threatened other governments as well.

Israel government is formulating a defense team with hacking pros to be a part of it and they will gauge every step on Israel websites and servers.They are planning a counter attack on anonymous and other activist group

In view of suspicion, there are few names coming up like AnonGhost which is a terrorist organization. They could be more like Hamas and Islamic state group can be a part of it. They have launched an operation against Israel and name it as #OpIsrael.

ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has already requested to keep their ears and eyes open towards this attack as this cyber-attack can lead to digital transformation as they can get easy access to confidential information with Israel official’s information.

A Middle East hacker who participated in the operation quoted that the “aim of the attack was to show the world the true face of Israel and its armed forces.” He said that last year’s attack was a warning for Israel to be ready for new, larger “surprises.”

Anonymous is attacking on Israel because of Israel treatment towards Palestinian territories. The message from Anonymous is loud and clear and they are trying to make it spread through people through internet. If such activities of cyber threat and crime will exist then world is in danger as its not ordinary world now its digital world.

If Anonymous could reach to people and their mobile phone it can do more than ordinary terrorist group. It will be indeed Cyber Holocaust.



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