This year the Apple iPhone 6 is trending, but one thing also trending regards Apple which is its iCloud service, an online storage for Apple users to save files, media, and more.
According to a recent research by Chinese web monitoring group—Apple’s online iCloud service attacked by the Chinese hackers and may be the Chinese government too involved in this hack.
Research by the researchers clears that this is a ‘man-in-the-middle’ (MITM) attack, hackers from the other side interposed their own malicious website between the iCloud and the users which intercepts the data and also able to get the passwords for the users’ icloud accounts.
I know, you also want to know about the researchers group which conducted this operation iCloud against the chinese hackers, so this research done by the—The group conducts research on Chinese Internet censorship, the same group already resembled previous attacks on Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft’s Hotmail.
Upon asking about the hack, China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told:
Beijing was “resolutely opposed” to hacking. She said the Chinese government itself was a major victim of such attacks.
This attack came in front several weeks after Apple said it would begin storing iCloud data for Chinese users on China telecom servers.
Report by Greatfire said credible by most of the security researchers.
“All the evidence I’ve seen would support that this is a real attack,” said Mikko Hypponnen, chief research officer at security software developer F-Secure. “The Chinese government is directly attacking Chinese users of Apple’s products.” said the attack most likely could not have been staged without the knowledge of Internet providers like China Telecom, given they appeared to originate from “deep within the Chinese domestic Internet backbone”.
Apple is already facing problems with the recent hack of iCloud accounts of various famous Hollywood actresses, in which their nude photos were leaked online.