We have reported about many hackers who hack emails for financial or confidential information, but today we are reporting about a notorious hacker who hacked email of a school teacher at (ohn Muir High School) and sent his nude photographs to more than 200 students, staffers and community members from his hacked district email account.
An email with the Subject Line “Enjoy” was sent to all of them which contained four nude photographs of the science teacher named ‘Richard Rosa.’
A letter of Apology has been sent to the recipients, reads:
If you received this email, I would like to apologize for any harm this email might have caused and want to assure you that we are working with the relevant authorities to investigate the matter.
Really, this is too much to send a nude pic of someone to his followers.
Right now, an investigation agency is investigating the hack, and in this complete case, Investigators said that Rosa (Teacher) is not in danger of losing his job.