Latest news is coming from CNET website, which was hacked by a Russian hacker on twitter called ‘W0rm,’ CNET confirmed about the hack itself yesterday.
CNET is a Popular tech news and reviews website, which have millions of users and in this hack, CNET database was accessed by that Russian hacker.
Hacker on twitter with handle @rev_priv8 tweeted about a screenshot on 12 July which shows the contents from the CNET database.
After the above tweet , hacker also tried to help them by improving their website security :p
The bad thing was in this breach was—More than 1 Million emails, usernames and encrypted passwords were hacked or accessed by the russian hacker, which is now making trouble for CNET users.
On this issue CNET spokesperson said:
The hackers gained access to the user database via a security hole in CNET’s implementation of the Symfony PHP framework – the “skeleton” on top of which CNET’s website is built.
We identified the issue and resolved it a few days ago. We will continue to monitor [the situation,] he added.
CNET also notified about the hacker W0rm that he tweeted on Monday, that he will sell the hacked database for 1 Bitcoin ($622.) but after this notification W0rm told CNET that he will not sell the database to anyone, as he was just trying to gain attention towards the hack :)
BUT, i personally say, Don’t believe him, So, without wasting the time, you should switch to your CNET account and change your password now, with our Strong Password Generator.
In case, you are using the same password on any other online account, associated with the email, so you must change that too.