Nobody knows that NSA still can spy on the Gmail users without their involvement, like they were doing in the past. I think Google also don’t know about this, but it is taking a step to encrypt its Gmail Mails through an End-to-End Email Encryption Browser Extension.

A Presentation leaked by the Former NSA Employee Edward Snowden in October 2013, in which it reflects the NSA efforts to tap into the internal network of companies like Yahoo and Google.

You can see the image below, to know how they were reading your mails:
NSA Presentation

Now, after eight months, Google officially announced about their new encryption tool known as End-to-End Encryption.


It is most important to know that what it is and how it works? As you have seen the above image from the NSA presentation that they were stealing the data outside the Google Server at the users’ end because that was not encrypted, but now from this tool The Message will remain encrypted until you decrypt it on to your browser :)

We will say, this a Nice move by Google, but really who knows NSA started to find a crack of it.

Thing you should know:

One more thing you should know about this tool— Only the body of the email will be encrypted, not the email subject line and list of recipients.

How to use this?

Wait, Right now it is only released for testing, you will not find this in Extension Store. Google wants security researchers to crack the code, if there is a loop hole and take a reward according to its Vulnerability Reward Program.

During the testing period Google is inviting comments from the public to make sure the extension is as secure as possible before going mainstream.



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