Today, something strange happened with the BBC News readers, who use iPhone app to get updated with the latest news.
The App was hacked and allowed attacker to send a bogus push notification to all of its users, Might be you also got that. The Message was sent to users via a Feature in the App called ‘Breaking News.’
Let’s read the Message:
“NYPD Twitter campaign ‘backfires’ after hashtag hijacked. Push sucks! Pull blows! BREAKING NEWS No nudity in latest episode of Game of Thrones!!! MORE BREAKING NEWS IIIIIII like testing.”
“This is a breaking news story and the BBC News app will bring you updates as they are available.”
After these bogus notifications, BBC Apologised through a real notifications send next to the bogus one, reads:
“We apologise for previous two test push notifications from BBC News which were sent in error.”
One of the spokesman of BBC said:
“We’ve been in the process of testing new functionality for our Apps and a test message was sent in error this morning.”
“We apologise to our App users who were unnecessarily interrupted with the alert.”
According to an Internet Security researcher Graham Cluley— “Chances are that the app itself has not been hacked, but it’s possible pranksters have managed to exploit the way in which the BBC feeds in breaking news alerts to push them out to the app’s user base.”
On the other hand, Twitter users were having fun of this hack, one of the user tweeted: “Go home BBC News app, you’re drunk.”