Last Month, A number of Australian Apple users found their Apple products like phones, tablets, and even laptops and desktops showing a message originating in Apple’s find my device service that states “Device hacked by Oleg Pliss” and the demand user a ransom (US$100) to unlock the device.

Yes, that was the Lock attack, but something which was not revealed at that time— Who is behind this attack?

Now, it seems to be revealed by the Russian Authorities, as they arrested two cyber-criminals in the same type of attack on Apple users in which they locked their devices remotely and demanded ransom to unlock.

You will really think more about this, when you came to know the age of one of the hacker behind this, there are two hackers – a 23-year-old and a 17-year-old from Moscow arrested by the Russian Authorities.

They both confessed about scamming users through locking their Apple Devices and demands a ransom to unlock.

How they were hacking Apple Devices?

Hackers tried the best method for newcomers of Internet Security ‘Phihsing,’ they usually sent an offer to sign-up for an online video service that requires their Apple ID, that’s it users are being made fools and their Apple ID disclosed upon signing up that fake page. After that it is easy to use that Apple ID to lock an iPhone remotely.

How they were caught?

They were caught while they withdrawing victims’ payments from an ATM and they were recorded on CCTV, according to Sydney Morning Herald.

Russian authorities also searched their homes and seized the computers, phones, SIM Cards and “literature” on hacking.

apple hack screen
Source: NakedSecurity

We are working on a security report, how to secure yourself from Phishing Attacks, we will update you when it is ready.



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