In the summer of 2013, several students from Harvard and MIT developed and created an e-mail service which offer a more secure and private Internet than anything else that is on the market. Scientist declared that their product is without a doubt completely NSA-proof, better even than Lavabit which was chosen by Snowden as an e-mail service.
The platform used for the new e-mail goes by the name of ProtonMail and was born from a shared vision when the scientists met at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), in Switzerland.
After a couple of weeks in private beta, on 16 May 2014 ProtonMail public beta was launched. You can to go on their website and take a look at it. You will meet the creators of the new e-mail and understandwhy their service is as they say it is, extremely well-protected.
First of all, they are outside of US and EU jurisdiction. Their service and servers are incorporated and located in Switzerland, “which offers some of the strongest privacy protection in the world for both individuals and entities”. On top of that, end-to-end encryption is used meaning that “Your data is already encrypted by the time it reaches our servers. We have no access to you messages, and since we cannot decrypt them, we cannot share them with third parties”.
During an official declaration to BostInno, Andy Yen, one of ProtonMail’s creators said that “Even we don’t have the ability to read that email. If we can’t read it, we obviously can’t turn it over to any government agencies”.
Another great thing about ProtonMail is its SnapChat like feature that allows users to set their emails to self-destruct once an amount of time had passed since they’ve been in a recipient’s inbox.
These said, if you have a tooth for third parties peeking habits or for Google’s monitoring your Gmail messages, maybe it’s time to check outthis easy to use free service (takes intense user authentication measures as well).