SEA claims, we have successfully penetrated US Central Command systems

According to information from the twitter account of the Syrian Electronic Army (A Hacker group from Syria,) they have accessed internal documents of the United States Central Command and other systems.

Syrian Electronic Army tweeted from their official twitter account  on Friday:

Operation targeting #CENTCOM are now in motion due to Obama’s decision to attack #Syria with electronic warfare.

As the tweet says, SEA engaged in an operation name CENTCOM, because of Obama’s decision to attack on Syria.

After the SEA tweet, in which they claimed to have “already successfully penetrated many central repositories,” a tweet which contains screenshot to show they were really inside the secure directories, was tweeted:

According to the image above, it clearly shows that SEA have gained access to a military directory called “AKO Home” that contains a number of folders with names relating to the US Air Force specifics command units under that branch.

SEA also claimed to update some more specific details and hundreds of documents in upcoming days, SEA claimed through a tweet.

Army Knowledge Online (AKO) provides web-based enterprise information services to the United States Army, joint, and Department of Defense customers. Enterprise services are provided to these customers on both classified and unclassified networks, and include portal, e-mail, directory, discovery, and single sign-on functionality.

Right now, AKO website responding slowly, this could be a result after the tweet of SEA, as visitors visiting the website which turned into a Denial-of-Service attack.



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