World is facing a high-tension drama of NSA Spying and Snowden ‘The NSA Leaker’ revealing NSA secrets every week, along with the NSA Leak, you are going to face one more privacy problem.

HTTPS-what you think about it, are you surfing your internet with HTTPS and feel secure so WAIT! a report published by US researchers explore “HTTPS” may run a secured online store but it fails in the role of Privacy.

10 widely used HTTPS-secured Web sites “exposing personal details, including medical conditions, financial and legal affairs and sexual orientation,” according to US researchers.

‘I Know Why You Went to the Clinic: Risks and Realization of HTTPS Traffic Analysis’<<This PDF shows about the data which transferrred thourgh https may also be vulnerable to traffic analyisis. (BY : The UC Berkeley researchers Brad Miller, A. D. Joseph and J. D. Tygar and Intel Labs’ researchers, Ling Huang.)

More about What is Inside the PDF:

How even strongly encrypted Web traffic can reveal highly personal information to employers, Internet service providers, state-sponsored spies, or anyone else with the capability to monitor a connection between a site and the person visiting it. As a result, it’s possible for them to know with a high degree of certainty what video someone accessed on Netflix or YouTube.(VIA-


It appears your Web browser is not configured to display PDF files. No worries, just click here to download the PDF file. Researchers says about their research:

Our attack applies clustering techniques to identify patterns in traffic. We then use a Gaussian distribution to determine similarity to each cluster and map traffic samples into a fixed width representation compatible with a wide range of machine learning techniques.

What is actually need for an attacker to perform this attack:

  • Attacker must be able to visit the same web page that the victim visits (allowing the attacker to identify patterns in encrypted traffic indicative of different web pages.)
  • The adversary must also be able to observe victim traffic, allowing the adversary to match observed traffic with previously learned patterns.



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