NSA Dishfire

Something new just revealed by the Guardian Newspaper about the NSA- They have been gathering more than 200 Million text messages per day from around the world + contacts+credit card transactions+people’s travel plans’ data.

The NSA operation “Dishfire” basically collects everything interesting, this inside story revealed by the Guardian and Channel 4 News based on the documents provided by the NSA Leaker “Snowden.”

The British SPY Agency GCHQ used the NSA database to search the metadata of communication of the people of United Kingdom, and they are ‘untargeted and unwarranted,’the guardian reports.

The report added, Communications from US phone numbers were removed from the database, but from other countries includes the UK, were kept.

NSA presentation named “SMS Text Messages: A Goldmine to Exploit” shows- 194 million text messages were collected in 2011, April.

“The NSA has made extensive use of its vast text message database to extract information on people’s travel plans, contact books, financial transactions and more – including of individuals under no suspicion of illegal activity,” the Guardian report said.



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