A Hacker accessed a server at BBC and put that on Christmas Sale, yes for Christmas sale, a campaign was organised by the hacker online where he called cyber criminals to pay him for access the BBC server .
BBC is “The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcasting statutory corporation.”
This is not yet cleared that the hacker found a buyer for the hacked server or no, but it is said by the BBC’s security team that now everything is under control and they have secured the site.
One of the BBC spokesman said “We do not comment on security issues”
BBC using ftp.bbc.co.uk to transfer large data files over internet.
This cyber attack was first identified by a cyber security company named Hold Security situated in Milwaukee that basically monitors under cyber criminals.
Firm researcher found a Russian hacker known by “HASH” and “Revolver,” was attempting to sell access to the hacked BBC server on December 25.
According to the Firm’s security researcher none of the data was compromised by hackers. Well, selling and purchasing of compromised server is common over Internet, but the thing is BBC server was on sale ;-)