Well, it is too hard to see all the Facebook users along in a single webpage, but this miracle has been done by  Natalia Rojas, a self-described “creative technologist” in Barcelona, Spain.

She started a project online “The Faces of Facebook,” which has collected more than 1.27 billion Facebook profile photos on one site, they all are arranged in chronological order according to when the person joined the Facebook. It seems to be very unrealistic, but Rojas made that real.

Facebook has billion of users—in fact, you can compare them to population of India. We were also able to find out our author (Praveen Kashyap) profile between billion of users:

Upon visiting the website, you will find billions of dots over there, and in-real they are the Facebook profiles, you can Zoom to see individual photos and then scroll around or click on a photo to visit that person’s Facebook page.

“I was playing around with Facebook API, and I discovered that there is a way to access everyone’s public information with a very simple (but not obvious) algorithm,” Rojas said in an e-mail to CNN. “At that time, I thought I could do something beautiful/interesting with that, like showing them all together. Then I started to write the code to achieve it.”

Rojas also stated on the website, “We are not breaking any Facebook privacy rules because we don’t store anyone’s private information, pictures or names”

Find your profile on the website and have fun…



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