The New Zealand government has made it’s mood to prepare NSA’s brother, it rejected GMFY (Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Yahoo) request to be exempted from the controversial spy law.
Before an explanation, let us clear you—what is controversial spy law of New Zealand:
This is a new Telecommunications Interception Capability and Security Bill, it seeks to require Internet service companies and network operators to provide access to spy agencies and allow them to monitor communications. Bill passing will allow the intelligence agency minister to place “interception obligations”
According to various media reports—the bill has been passed and today, it will be submitted for its second reading in Parliament.
GMFY wrote a letter to communication minister-Amy Adams, in which they expressed concern over controversial spy law, but the letter was rejected.
GMFY tried in letter to avoid spying:
- If our systems will be intercepted by the New Zealand govt., this may bring about “serious legal conflicts” for companies based in other countries.
- New Zealand’s proposed telecommunications bill would be inconsistent with other countries that belong to the “Five Eyes” spy network. New Zealand’s GSCB is a known contributor to the network.
GMFY also stated that New Zealand has already its international legal systems for New Zealand law enforcement organisations to obtain the information they needed. Companies also suggested an “Alternative Approach” under which the process for local law enforcement agencies to engage with their US counterparts was improved, and the New Zealand Government set up a “single point of contact” for requests for information from international companies.
However, Adams responded to companies and said, there will be a proper process before companies will be required to provide interception capability.
At last, Adams rejected the request of GMFY and said, their suggested alternative approach was insufficient in accomplishing the spy bill’s objectives.
Yesterday, Adams announced a series of tweaks to the bill, include the removal of Clause 39 which allows the government to block access in New Zealand of international companies if it lacked interception capability.