A new face of Anonymous hackers came out, when they announced their peaceful operation #OpMaryville for the case of 14-year-old Daisy Coleman and her 13-year-old friend, who were allegedly abused by two boys, one of whom was the grandson of state official Rex Barnett.

The Daisy case was closed in 2012 and charges were dropped from those boys, but Now, Anonymous wants an investigation on the case again because of the lack of charges.

In an online statement Anonymous released on pastebin, scheduled the time and venue of the protest, they write:

On Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 10:00am we will meet at the Nodaway County Courthouse in Maryville, Missouri with daisies in our hands for a peaceful protest in support of Daisy Coleman.

Along with the case reopening, Anonymous also calling media to file FOIA requests to discover any connections between Matthew’s grandfather, Missouri State Rep. Rex Barnett, Maryville law enforcement and the prosecutors who dropped Daisy’s case.

Anonymous also created an event on facebook named “Justice for Daisy” and you can find more people talking about this operation with hashtags—#OpMaryville and #Justice4Daisy.

We also got an update from twitter, about the Video that Anonymous released regarding #OpMaryville was deleted by YouTube because the video itself violates the Community Guidelines (according to YouTube.)

In the meantime the video shows nothing and shows a message which reads, “The Video has been removed as a violations of YouTube policy against  spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content”

On the deletion of the YouTube video, one of the Anonymous hacker says, “The video was uploaded on October 14, so why did YouTube started to censor this video 2 days after the upload. Mainstream media, blogs, social networks etc. pick up this topic (including the video) and rised up to a national topic. The video raised to 130.000+ views until it was censored by the YouTube Team.”

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  1. This post can be deleted at admin discretion. This is not troll drama. My group, Mechanized Dandruff is committed to a full scale troll on the location below tomorrow nite. The page is set up to attack Courtney Cole, who is actively involved in the Marysville Ohio rape case. Not familiar with it? Google it. We are asking all fellow trolls to join us in standing up for courtney. Freelancers can visit at any time. NO R/L ACCOUNTS, ALTS ONLY.


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