One by One every layer of NSA is being taken off through the leaks, now it has been cleared through a Spiegel’s report that NSA tapping user data from the iPhone, devices using Android as well as BlackBerry.

A Big question is here of Blackberry which markets itself to be highly secure and NSA tapping on every major Operating System of Mobiles to gain access to following:

  • Contact lists
  • SMS traffic
  • Notes
  • Users’ current and Past locations

According to spiegel:

In the internal documents, experts boast about successful access to iPhone data in instances where the NSA is able to infiltrate the computer a person uses to sync their iPhone. Mini-programs, so-called "scripts," then enable additional access to at least 38 iPhone features.

The documents suggest the intelligence specialists have also had similar success in hacking into BlackBerrys. A 2009 NSA document states that it can "see and read SMS traffic." It also notes there was a period in 2009 when the NSA was temporarily unable to access BlackBerry devices. After the Canadian company acquired another firm, it changed the way in compresses its data. But in March 2010, the department responsible declared it had regained access to BlackBerry data and celebrated with the word, "champagne!"

Again come to the Secure one “Blackberry”, Documents also state that the Blackberry’s mail system which is said to be uncrackable also has been accessed by NSA.

On putting questions to Blackberry from Spiegel, their officials replied, “It is not for us to comment on media reports regarding alleged government surveillance of telecommunications traffic.” The company said it had not programmed a “‘back door’ pipeline to our platform.”

Spiegel also stated that they will release a detailed report on Monday.

ALSO READ- Tor is still using “NSA crackable” crypto keys, researcher says



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