Hackers targeted the official website of the City of Durham in North Carolina, website’s sub-domain (gisweb.durhamnc.gov) hacked and defaced to send out a Message to President Obama.
In the message, hackers want to KILL OBAMA.
Hackers wrote on the defaced page:
Gov Hacked by Raven “Chingina”, chris.lafon2, and nickla nickla93 Susie Wood aka Chingina’s mom. F**k the government, we will f**king KILL OBAMA, YOU THINK WE GIVE A F**K? COME AT US FAGGOTS. |
According to Hack Read, It’s used for the city’s GIS Interactive Map webpage.
Durham is a city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It is the county seat of Durham County, though portions also extend into Wake County in the east and Orange County in the west.
At the time of publishing the news, the website has been taken offline but you can follow the Mirror.
good given the chance i would also