INDIA: Latest News coming from a Hacker with the twitter handle (@Phr0zenM) who successfully taken down the opposition political party Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) Official website (
About BJP: (Wikipedia)
The Bharatiya Janata Party is the smaller of the two major partiesin the Indian political system, the other being the Indian National Congress. Established in 1980, it is India’s second largest political party in terms of representation in the parliament and in the various state assemblies.
Hacker tweeted about this taken down and also stated in a tweet that “We will not forget our brothers and sisters in Kashmir, those oppressed, killed, raped, tortured for decades. #OpKashmir #OpIzzah”
TANGO DOWN! Hindu anti-Muslim extremists #OpKashmir #OpIzzah #BJP #Kashmir @OpKashmir_
— Phr0zenMyst (@Phr0zenM) August 10, 2013
Here is the screenshot, we checked the website for it’s tangodown:
Website is still down at the time we are publishing this news.