Whenever any gathering occurs during a protest and you see a Policeman beating a man/woman then you will try to take a shot of that and share socially as a proof regarding the Brutality of Police but Apple’s New Technology will stop you to do this.
According to Various Media Websites Apple has patented a piece of technology which would allow government and police to block transmission of information, including video and photographs, whenever they like.
They would switch off Camera, WiFi and after that you can use your iPhone only as a stone to hit someone.

So how’z the plan of Apple, it might be something Frustrated but you can’t do anything, On June 2008 – Apple filed a patent (U.S. Patent No. 8,254,902) – titles “Apparatus and methods for enforcement of policies upon a wireless device” that defines the ability of U.S. Government to remotely disable certain functions of a device without user consent.
Apple stated that the sensitive locations are cinemas, theaters and concert grounds but they admits it could also be used in covert police or government operations that may need complete blackout conditions.
According to RT it could also be used to prevent whistleblowers like Edward Snowden from taking pictures and broadcasting them on the interent.
The policies would be activated by GPS, and wi-fi or mobile base-stations, which would ring-fence (“geofence”) around a building or a “sensitive area” to prevent phone cameras from taking pictures or recording video.
VIA– RT| TheHackerNews|Techeye.net|Gizmodo
What if it’s jail broken? Too many ways of getting around Apple’s proprietary technology.
Sorry, but no cigar.
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Or just don’t buy Apple products.
I object.