Anonymous Hackers protested to close Guantanamo Bay from (17-19May) in which anonymous launched tweetstrom with several hashtags and in result of that Guantanamo Wi-Fi taken down by the authorities because they don’t want that tweetstorm get in there.

But just after some minutes later Obama going to give a speech concerning Guantanamo Bay and drone strikes and Anonymous will launch their tweetstorm along Obama’s speech.

Anonymous and its followers will use the hashtag #GitmObama to send a flurry of messages about U.S. drone attacks and the Guantanamo Bay prison. Anonymous will also include the #obama hashtag that CNN will be monitoring to get Anonymous tweets shown on national television. Obama is scheduled to start the speech at 2 p.m. EST, and Anonymous plans to begin the Twitter Storm at that time. 

The package provides several sample tweets for users to send, such as:

  1. Of the 4 US citizens the US admitted to killing with #drones, only one of them, Anwar al-Awlaki, was targeted. #obama
  2. 9 Myths about #drones and #Guantanamo #obama #gitmobama #closegitmo
  3. Who’s being tube-fed at Guantanamo — some of them are cleared for transfer. #GitmObama

Obama Live Speech

Anonymous TweetStorm Countdown

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