Our News Editor Praveen Kashyap had some time with the Owner of AnonGhost Team and takes a short interview with AnonGhost Team; in the interview they answered the truth of #OpUSA and some important points about them also. 

#OpUSA is the Hackers Operation, in which Hackers going to Launch Cyber Attacks on USA this 07/05/2013. 


Hackers also going to give financial loss to USA by hit some major financial institutions like Bank of America and Citi Bank


Short Interview with AnonGhost Team: 

Praveen Kashyap– When AnonGhost Team Started? 

AnonGhost Team– we were Teamr00t, after that AnonGhost started early November so now 6 months. 

Praveen Kashyap– Which was the First Hack attack of AnonGhost? 

AnonGhost Team– We hacked Gov. Websites & emails, our message always clear in the deface, hack and people loved it. 

We do not hack for fun  

We hack for a cause 

Praveen Kashyap– Why AnonGhost Team Started #OpUSA? 

AnonGhost Team– We want to send our message to the citizens of USA , and tell them to wake up , and have a the right vision about Muslims and understand who is manipulating them like robots. 

Praveen Kashyap– will you attack financial stuffs of USA 

AnonGhost Team– Sure 100% 

AnonGhost Team also stated during interview that: 

  • They are going to give financial loss to USA and will attack from every side of country
  • They going to attack anything which has relation with USA government 
  • They said #OpUSA is not a Hack for Fun, it’s a Cause
At last they added-We want to say that USA & Israel are committing crimes and they are the real Terrorists in this earth and they have divided all Humans and they created their own laws so they can control the world like playstation.
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