Now a Days Twitter enhanced their security and watching every suspicious activity on the tweets personal messages, this is our personal experience about what we saw last 2 Days on Twitter.

We are here to provide Hacking and Hackers News so many hackers also send their hack attacks info to us through Twitter Tweets and Messages.

Two Incidents  tell us the Truth How Twitter Tighten its security against Hacking and Hackers

1.      We got a Message on 22-04-2013 from IRAN BLACK HATS TEAM (@IranBlackhat) that they breached into Singapore Police Database and after 10 Minutes we got one more message from their group that they hacked users Log in credentials after breaching in and we reported that news on our website but after 15 Minutes when we were trying to find them so see below what we find we got confused after that:

Here is the Screenshot of that message which Hackers Send us:


2.      Now on Next Day 23-04-2013  we got a Tweet from Anonymous Hackers Group Member (@Anonsj) also very popular on Twitter, In message they told us about their latest hack attack of breach in Korea Exchange Bank and leaked 15K user credentials of various Email Websites (Gmail,Yahoo,MSN,Live) just after that we start to contact him but again we were unable to find 

At that time we were not confused, we are just cleared about Twitter Security.

Here is the Screenshot when we were trying to find @Anonsj

If this is True that Twitter suspending Hackers Twitter Accounts one by one so it will  impact on other hackers group who tweet or message about their hack on Twitter.

This News is based on our experience and we shared our experience with you.

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