Image Credit Mashable

A New Malware which is attacking German is detetcted by SophosLabs and it come by email which looks like that this email is from Skype but no that is a spam which is dangerous for your system.

The subject line of that Email is “Wir haben Ihre Bestellung geliefert” (Translation: We have delivered your order”) and in that email an attachment is there which contains a Trojan Horse.

In that ZIP File there is a program called  Die Einzelheiten Ihres Eiknkaufs.pdf.exe in which last second word is PDF and last one is .Exe to make fool people that it is a PDF but in real it is a .exe (Executable) file which will execute on your system and then do its work, this is obviously designed to use the “double-extension trick”

Example of that Spam Mail:

It has been identified as the Troj/Agent-ABCT Trojan horse.

We again warn you that this type of Email really don’t come from the companies they all are spam which is written like a professional Email for making you a Fool.

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