This week we have reported about Twitter many times now again we have a news about a new account which is hacked from Danbury. 
Danbury’s Mayor Mark Boughton Twitter account hacked, the Danbury mayor is an avid Tweeter so he knew something was wrong when he saw several postings out of the ordinary Wednesday night. 


Mark said “Some of my Twitter followers sent me mentions that somebody had hacked my account and posted three pictures,” 

Now that account recovered  and how Mark tweeted about his hacked account see below 

Been hacked people. I’m working right now, will have to fix it when I get to PC..

— MayorMark (@MayorMark) April 25, 2013

“I can’t be held back,” the mayor said. “The Boughton Twitter feed will continue.” 

These hacks alerting Twitter that their security need some changes we also reported on this Twitter Said to Bolster Security After AP Account Hacked. 

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